[BESAdmin-Announcements] Content Modification Announcement

besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Thu Oct 13 16:42:13 PDT 2005

An issue has been discovered in the "MS05-052: Cumulative Security Update
for Internet Explorer" Fixlet messages for Windows Server 2003 (Fixlet ID's
505201 and 505202). There was an error in the file version verification
relevance. The error causes the "CORRUPT PATCH" Fixlet message (Fixlet ID
505202) to become relevant after installing the patch. The "CORRUPT PATCH"
Fixlet action will also report back "Failed" when deployed. This issue only
affects computers running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1.


The relevance error has since been corrected and affected computers that
have gathered the latest version of "Enterprise Security" should no longer
report relevant for the "CORRUPT PATCH" Fixlet message.


Please contact BigFix Technical Support (enterprisesupport at bigfix.com) if
you have any questions regarding this issue.


BigFix Product Team

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