[SUSE-Announcements] New Fixlets Published in Fixlet Site: Patches for SLE 12

Notification of New SUSE Fixlet Messages suse-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Fri Apr 13 20:11:51 PDT 2018

New content have been added to the Patches for SLE 12 site.

New Fixlets:
* 180405 - Mandatory update for spice-gtk - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040501)
* 180405 - Mandatory update for postgresql94 - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040502)
* 180405 - Mandatory update for libidn - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040503)
* 180405 - Mandatory update for postgresql94 - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040504)
* 180405 - Mandatory update for spice-gtk - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040505)
* 180405 - Mandatory update for libidn - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040506)
* 180406 - Recommended update for openCryptoki - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040601)
* 180406 - Recommended update for nvme-cli - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040602)
* 180406 - Recommended update for kdump - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040603)
* 180406 - Recommended update for kdump - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040604)
* 180409 - Recommended update for yast2-users - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040901)
* 180409 - Recommended update for yast2-users - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18040902)
* 180410 - Recommended update for aaa_base - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041001)
* 180410 - Recommended update for xfsprogs - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041002)
* 180410 - Mandatory update for xen - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041003)
* 180410 - Mandatory update for xen - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041004)
* 180410 - Recommended update for aaa_base - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041005)
* 180410 - Recommended update for xfsprogs - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041006)
* 180410 - Recommended update for xfsprogs - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041007)
* 180410 - Recommended update for xfsprogs - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041008)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for libvirt - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041101)
* 180411 - Recommended update for pesign - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041102)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for zziplib - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041103)
* 180411 - Recommended update for pesign - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041104)
* 180411 - Recommended update for pesign - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041105)
* 180411 - Recommended update for pesign - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041106)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for libvirt - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041107)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for openssl - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041108)
* 180411 - Recommended update for python-kiwi - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041109)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for policycoreutils - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041110)
* 180411 - Recommended update for yast2-installation - SLED12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041111)
* 180411 - Recommended update for python-kiwi - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041112)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for openssl - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041113)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for openssl - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041114)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for policycoreutils - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041115)
* 180411 - Recommended update for yast2-installation - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041116)
* 180411 - Optional update for Initial release of python3-ipaddress and -pyasn1 - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041117)
* 180411 - Mandatory update for openssl - SLES12 SP2 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041118)
* 180412 - Recommended update for tftp - SLED12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041201)
* 180412 - Recommended update for tftp - SLES12 SP3 - (x86-64)    (ID: 18041202)

Published Site Version:
* Patches for SLE 12, version 183.

Actions to Take:
* Gathering of the site will automatically show the updates made.

Application Engineering Team
IBM BigFix Patch

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