<html><body><ul><p>IBM BigFix Patch for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) will be making updates to stay aligned with the upcoming changes from Red Hat:<br><font face="Arial"> </font><ul>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5) end of life (EOL) is on March 31, 2017. For more information, see <a href="https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066CC" face="Verdana">https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata</font></u></a><font face="Arial"> </font><br><br><font face="Arial">Red Hat is shifting from the Red Hat Network (RHN) hosted interface to the RHSM interface in </font><font face="Arial">July 2017</font><font face="Arial">. For more information, see</font><font face="Verdana"> </font><a href="https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-subscription-management" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066CC" face="Verdana">https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-subscription-management</font></u></a><font face="Arial"> </font></ul><font face="Arial"> </font><br>BigFix Patch for RHEL is implementing the following updates:<br> <br>End of support for RHEL 5<br>BigFix Patch for RHEL will no longer provide RHEL 5 Fixlet content and will end it's RHEL 5 support in July 2017. We suggest updating to later versions of Red Hat. Users of the RHEL with Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) may open an RFE for content support. <br><font face="Arial"> </font><br>End of support for non-RHSM versions of the download cacher and download plug-on<br>The earlier, non-RHSM versions of the download cacher and download plug-in are supported only until RHEL 5. The RHSM enhancements that BigFix Patches for RHEL released in December 2016 supports RHEL 6 and RHEL 7.<br> <br>Deprecation of the Patches for RHEL 5 - Native tools site<br>The Patches for RHEL 5 - Native tools site will be deprecated in July 2017. The site will have 'Deprecated' appended to the site name in the License Overview dashboard. <br> <br> <br>Additional<font color="#0000CD"> </font>References:<br>- For information about the RHEL 5 EOL, see the following:
<ul>-- Archived Red Hat notice: <a href="https://www.redhat.com/archives/epel-devel-list/2012-February/msg00000.html" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066CC">https://www.redhat.com/archives/epel-devel-list/2012-February/msg00000.html</font></u></a><font face="Arial"> </font><br>-- Under the Life-cycle Dates section: <a href="https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066CC">https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata</font></u></a><font face="Arial"> </font><br><a href="https://linuxlifecycle.com/" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF">-- https://linuxlifecycle.com/</font></a><font face="Arial"> </font></ul>- For information about the RHN Classic sunset and migration to RHSM, see <a href="https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-subscription-management" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066CC">https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-subscription-management</font></u></a>.<br>- For information about IBM Request for Enhancements (RFE), see <a href="https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=changeRequestLanding" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066CC">https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=changeRequestLanding</font></u></a><br> <br>Application Engineering team<br>IBM BigFix Patch</ul><BR>