<font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Product:</b><br>IBM BigFix Compliance PCI Add-on</font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Title:</b><br>Updated PCI DSS Checklists for MS SQL 2008 and MS SQL 2012 to support remediation
and other enhancements</font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Category:</b><br>Updated PCI DSS checklist</font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Published Benchmark:</b><br>Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard v3.2</font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Details:</b></font><ul><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">The PCI DSS Checklist
for MS SQL 2008 and PCI DSS Checklist for MS SQL 2012 sites are updated
with remediation checks to allow BigFix operators to efficiently remediate
a non-compliance issue with a single action.</font><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">The measured values for
some checks, which can be viewed in the BigFix console, analyses, and SCA
reports, are formatted for enhanced readability. The results now clearly
present the desired system configuration setting, as specified by a check,
against the actual setting on the endpoint.</font><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">Some titles and descriptions
of the checks are updated with the standardized format and extensions.</font><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">The following PCI DSS
Policies are refreshed with the latest checklist content for sites listed
under Published sites:</font><p><font size=2 face="sans-serif">o </font><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">PCI
DSS Checklists</font><p><font size=2 face="sans-serif">o </font><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">PCI
DSS Milestones View</font><p><font size=2 face="sans-serif">o </font><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">PCI
DSS Requirements View</font></ul><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Published
Site:</b><br>PCI DSS Checklist for MS SQL 2008, version 8<br>PCI DSS Checklist for MS SQL 2012, version 9<br>PCI DSS Reporting, version </font><font size=2 face="sans-serif">3</font><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><br><i>*The site version is provided for air-gap customers.</i></font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>Actions to Take:</b></font><ul><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">If you use custom sites,
update your custom sites accordingly to use the latest content. You can
synchronize your content by using the Synchronize Custom Checks wizard.
For more information, see </font><a href=https://ibm.biz/Bd4LBt><font size=2 color=#0082bf face="sans-serif">https://ibm.biz/Bd4LBt</font></a><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">.</font><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">If you have not subscribed
to the site above, you can use the License Overview dashboard to enable
and gather the site. Note that you must be entitled to the new content
and you are using IBM BigFix version 9.2 and later.</font><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">If you were involved in
the Beta / Early Access Program for IBM BigFix Compliance PCI Add-on, unsubscribe
from the beta sites to avoid any conflicting issues with the production
sites. If you do not unsubscribe from the beta sites, the content in the
production sites will fail.</font></ul><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><b>More
information:</b><br>To know more information about the IBM BigFix Compliance PCI DSS checklists,
see:</font><ul><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">IBM BigFix Compliance
PCI Add-on User's Guide in Knowledge Center: </font><a href=https://ibm.biz/BdrWCq><font size=2 color=#0082bf face="sans-serif">https://ibm.biz/BdrWCq</font></a><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">IBM BigFix Wiki: </font><a href=https://ibm.biz/BdrBtk><font size=2 color=#0082bf face="sans-serif">https://ibm.biz/BdrBtk</font></a><li><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">Release Announcements
in the IBM BigFix Forum: </font><a href=https://ibm.biz/Bdsspw><font size=2 color=#0082bf face="sans-serif">https://ibm.biz/Bdsspw</font></a><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"></font></ul><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">We hope you find
this latest release of PCI DSS content useful and effective.</font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif">Thank you!</font><p><font size=2 color=#2f2f2f face="sans-serif"><br><i>-- The IBM BigFix Compliance PCI Add-on team</i></font><BR>