<html><body><p><font face="Default Sans
Serif">The IBM BigFix team has released an update to the WebUI.<br><br>Highlights:<br></font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif">SWD</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Supporting MSU, MSP files</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Support any file type</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Displaying SWD logs in deployment page</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Added a workflow link in SWD package page</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Support action parameter queries in SWD</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Cleaned up unnecessary file references, which will help reduce clutter in the BES Server</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif">Patch</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Enablement of additional patches support (CentOS, Mozilla FireFox, Adobe Products) for WebUI content stream. </font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif">Common</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Ability to reorder MAGs</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Security Fixes</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Minor accessibility fixes</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Third Party Library and executable updates</font><br><font face="Default Sans
Serif"> - Miscellaneous Fixes<br><br>Actions to Take:<br>No action is necessary. Updated WebUI application sites will be gathered<br>and loaded automatically.<br><br>For updated documentation, see<br></font><a href="https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#%21/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/BigFix%20WebUI"><u><font color="#0000FF" face="Default Sans
Serif">https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/BigFix%20WebUI</font></u></a><font face="Default Sans
Serif"><br><br>Application Engineering Team<br>IBM BigFix</font><br><BR>