<font size=2 face="Ebrima"><i>Have you subscribed all your endpoints to
the Patches for Windows (English) site?</i></font><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima"><i>If you haven't yet, please do.</i></font><br><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima">Subscribing your endpoints to the <i>Patches
for Windows (English)</i> site will help you avoid missing updates when
BigFix Patch for Windows starts releasing all language-independent content
in the site next week. </font><br><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima">Starting<b> December 1, 2015</b>, BigFix
Patch for Windows will stop releasing language-independent patches into
the different language sites. From thereon, the <i>Patches for Windows
(English)</i> site will be renamed <i>Patches for Windows</i>. </font><br><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima">If all your endpoints are subscribed to
the Patches for Windows (English) site, you don't have to take action.
</font><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima">But if you have endpoints subscribed to
the non-English sites, you must go to the License Overview dashboard and
subscribe your endpoints to the Patches for Windows (English) site.</font><br><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima"><b><i>Application Engineering Team</i><br>IBM BigFix Patch for Windows</b></font><font size=2 face="sans-serif"><br></font><br><BR>