<font size=2 face="Ebrima">IBM BigFix is pleased to announce the release
of IBM BigFix Compliance version 1.7.55 (Patch 1), formerly called IBM
Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance Analytics (SCA). This patch
release covers an APAR fix and addresses security vulnerability to CVE-2015-2017.</font><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima"><br><b>Highlights:</b></font><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima">- Fixed APAR IV75080 - Application files
are viewable in the browser via "WEB-INF./"</font><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima">- Addressed susceptibility to the following
security vulnerability: CVE-2015-2017 - HTTP response splitting attack
in WebSphere Application Server</font><br><font size=2 face="Ebrima"><b><br>Published site version:</b><br>SCM Reporting site, version 97.<br><b><br>Actions to take:</b><i><br>If you are using IBM BigFix Compliance 1.7.38 or earlier:</i><br>1. Gather the SCM Reporting site, version 97.<br>2. In the Security Configuration domain in the console, open the Configuration
Management navigation tree.<br>3. Under the IBM BigFix Compliance Install/Upgrade menu tree item, select
the <i>IBM BigFix Compliance 1.7 Upgrade Fixlet</i>, which automatically
installs and upgrades to the new patch. Follow the Fixlet instructions
and take the associated action to upgrade your IBM BigFix Compliance deployment.<br>4. Update the data schema. To do this, log in to the IBM BigFix Compliance
web interface from the host server and proceed with configuration. Upgrading
the data schema is expected and it will take sometime to complete.<b><br>Note:</b> BigFix Compliance version 1.5.78 is the minimum version required
to upgrade to BigFix Compliance 1.7.<br><i><br>If you have not yet installed IBM BigFix Compliance or SCA, refer to these
steps for first time installations.</i><br>1. In the License Dashboard in the IBM BigFix console, enable the SCM Reporting
site.<br>2. In the Security Configuration domain in the console, open the Configuration
Management navigation tree.<br>3. Select the Fixlet named <i>IBM BigFix Compliance 1.7 First-time Install
Fixlet</i> under the IBM BigFix Compliance Install/Upgrade menu tree node.<br>4. Follow the Fixlet instructions and take the associated action to install
your BigFix Compliance deployment.<br><b><br>Other links:</b><br>To view the the Release Notes, see </font><a href="https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/SCA%20Release%20Notes"><font size=2 color=blue face="Ebrima"><u>https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/SCA%20Release%20Notes</u></font></a><font size=2 face="Ebrima">.<i><br><br>BigFix Compliance Team</i><br>IBM BigFix</font><br><BR>