[BESAdmin-Announcements] Content Modification: Updates for Windows Applications Extended published 2023-11-17

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Fri Nov 17 08:13:04 PST 2023

BigFix has modified content in the Updates for Windows Applications
Extended site, which is available to Lifecycle and Compliance customers.

## Modified Items:
- Apache Tomcat 10 v10.1.16 (Apache)
- Apache Tomcat 8 v8.5.96 (Apache)
- Apache Tomcat 9 v9.0.83 (Apache)
- balena-cli v17.4.2.0 (Balena)
- Bandicam v7.0.1.2132 (Bandicam)
- Camtasia v23.3.3.49804 (Techsmith)
- Clink v1.5.14 (Chrisant996)
- Docker Desktop v4.25.1 (Docker)
- Dolt v1.26.1 (Dolthub)
- GoodSync v12.4.5.5 (Goodsync)
- Microsoft Power BI Desktop v2.123.684.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Power BI Desktop v2.123.684.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) v14.38.33130.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) v14.38.33130.0 (Microsoft)
- Mozilla Thunderbird (x64 en-US) v115.4.3 (Mozilla)
- Opera v105.0.4970.13 (Opera)
- Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise v2023.3.25.0 (Devolutions)
- Remote Desktop Manager Free v2023.3.25.0 (Devolutions)
- SQL Server Management Studio v19.2 (Microsoft)
- Tailscale v1.54.0 (Tailscale)
- Total Commander v11.02 (Totalcommander)
- VSCodium (x64) v1.84.2.23319 (Vscodium)
- Windows Defender Virus Definitions v1.401.681.0 (Microsoft)
- Wireshark v4.0.11 (Wireshark)

## All Items:
- 3CXPhone for Windows v16.3.0.264 (3cx)
- 3D XML Player v19.13.17311 (3dxmlplayer)
- 7-Zip (EXE) v23.01 (7zip)
- 7-Zip (MSI) v23.01 (7zip)
- 8x8 Work v8.7.2.3 (8x8)
- AAS WorldWide Telescope v6.1.2 (Aas)
- ActivityWatch v0.12.2 (Activitywatch)
- ADB AppControl v1.8.3 (Cybercat)
- Adobe Digital Editions v4.5.12 (Adobe)
- Adobe DNG Converter v16.0.1 (Adobe)
- Advanced Renamer v3.89 (Advancedrenamer)
- AirServer v5.6.3 (Airserver)
- Allway Sync v22.0.1 (Allwaysync)
- Amazon Corretto (x64) v11.0.21.9 (Amazon)
- Amazon Corretto (x64) v17.0.9.8 (Amazon)
- Amazon Corretto 8 (x64) v1.8.0.392 (Amazon)
- Amazon Corretto JRE 8 (x64) v1.8.0.392 (Amazon)
- Angry IP Scanner v3.9.1 (Angryziber)
- AnyDesk (EXE) v8.0.6 (Anydesk)
- AnyDesk MSI (MSI) v8.0.6 (Anydesk)
- Apache Tomcat 10 v10.1.16 (Apache)
- Apache Tomcat 8 v8.5.96 (Apache)
- Apache Tomcat 9 v9.0.83 (Apache)
- AppCheck v2.5.57.2 (Checkmal)
- Argus Monitor v7.0.2.2706 (Argotronic)
- Audacity v3.4.1 (Audacity)
- AuthPass v1.9.9 (Authpass)
- Auto Dark Mode v10.4.1.1 (Armin2208)
- Auto Start Confirm v1.1.8368.36236 (Christiangalla)
- AutomatedLab v5.50.15 (Automatedlab)
- Axure RP v10.0.0.3907 (Axurerp)
- Azure Data Studio v1.47.0 (Microsoft)
- Backup and Sync from Google v3.56.3802.7766 (Google)
- balena-cli v17.4.2.0 (Balena)
- Bandicam v7.0.1.2132 (Bandicam)
- Bandicut v3.7.0.762 (Bandicam)
- Beeftext v16.0 (Beeftext)
- Beyond Compare v4.4.7 (Beyondcompare)
- blobsaver v3.6.0 (Airsquared)
- BlueJeans v2.45.187 (Bluejeans)
- Camtasia v23.3.3.49804 (Techsmith)
- CBackup v3.4.0.0 (Cbackup)
- CCom v1.5.0 (Chillibits)
- Celestia (EXE) v1.6.4 (Celestia)
- Cent Browser v5.0.1002.354 (Centstudio)
- Certify The Web v6.0.12 (Certifytheweb)
- Chocolatey GUI v2.1.0.0 (Chocolatey)
- Cisco Jabber v14.2.0.58008 (Cisco)
- Citrix Receiver v14.12.0 (Citrix)
- CLAN v7.83.00 (Cmu)
- Clink v1.5.14 (Chrisant996)
- Cockatrice v2.8.0 (Cockatrice)
- Compose Generator v1.9.0 (Chillibits)
- Connectify v23.0.1.40175 (Connectify)
- Core Temp v1.18.0.0 (Alcpu)
- CPUID CPU-Z v2.08 (Cpuid)
- CrystalDiskMark v8.0.4 (Crystaldewworld)
- CutePDF Writer v4.0.1 (Cutepdf)
- Cyberduck v8.7.1.40770 (Iterategmbh)
- Cyotek CopyTools v1.4.5.215 (Cyotek)
- Cyotek Spriter v1.9.0.247 (Cyotek)
- Cyotek WebCopy v1.9.1.872 (Cyotek)
- DB Browser for SQLite v3.12.2 (Dbbrowserforsqlite)
- DBeaver v23.2.4.0 (Dbeaver)
- Dell Command | Update v5.1.0 (Dell)
- Deskfiler v1.2.6 (Deskfiler)
- Docker Desktop v4.25.1 (Docker)
- Dolt v1.26.1 (Dolthub)
- Duo Authentication for Epic v1.2.0.95 (Duo)
- Duo Device Health v5.5.0 (Duo)
- DuoConnect v2.0.4 (Duo)
- dupeGuru v4.3.1 (Dupeguru)
- Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot v11.0.21.9 (Adoptopenjdk)
- Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot v16.0.2.7 (Adoptopenjdk)
- Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot v17.0.9.9 (Adoptopenjdk)
- Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot v8.0.392.8 (Adoptopenjdk)
- Eclipse Temurin JRE with Hotspot v11.0.21.9 (Adoptopenjdk)
- Eclipse Temurin JRE with Hotspot v8.0.392.8 (Adoptopenjdk)
- EFF Certbot v2.7.4 (Eff)
- Evernote v10.64.3 (Evernote)
- Everything v1.4.1.1024 (Voidtools)
- Foxit PDF Reader v2023.2.0.21408 (Foxit)
- Fundels v3.0.10 (Cartamundidigital)
- GIMP v2.10.36 (Gimp)
- Git v2.42.0 (Git)
- GlassWire v3.3.525 (Glasswire)
- Go Programming Language v1.21.4 (Go)
- GoodSync v12.4.5.5 (Goodsync)
- Google Drive v83.0.2.0 (Google)
- GoTo Machine v4.4.0 (Gotomeeting)
- HandBrake v1.6.1 (Handbrake)
- HLAE v2.151.2 (Advancedfx)
- Hourglass v1.15.0 (Dziemborowicz)
- Huddle v4.4.10.0 (Huddle)
- iCloud v7.21.0.23 (Apple)
- IconViewer v3.02 (Iconviewer)
- ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 (Imgburn)
- Inkscape v1.3 (Inkscape)
- Jabra Direct v6.12.30302.0 (Jabra)
- Jira StopWatch v2.3.0 (Carstengehling)
- Juju v3.3.0 (Canonical)
- KeePass v2.55 (Keepass)
- Koodo Reader v1.6.0 (Appbytroye)
- Krita v5.2.1 (Krita)
- LastPass v4.123.0.133 (Lastpass)
- Lepton v1.10.0 (Cosmox)
- LibreOffice v7.6.2 (Libreoffice)
- Logbert v1.6.3.2 (Couchcoding)
- LogMeIn Hamachi v2.3.0.106 (Logmein)
- mdview v3.0.1 (C3er)
- Meazure v4.0.0 (Cthingsoftware)
- Meld v3.22.0 (Gnome)
- Microsoft Power BI Desktop v2.123.684.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Power BI Desktop v2.123.684.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) v14.38.33130.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) v14.38.33130.0 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code x32 v1.83.1 (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code x64 v1.84.2 (Microsoft)
- MongoDB Compass v1.40.4.0 (Mongodb)
- Mozilla Thunderbird (x64 en-US) v115.4.3 (Mozilla)
- mRemoteNG v1.76.20 (Mremoteng)
- Mumble v1.4.287 (Mumble)
- MySQL Workbench v8.0.34 (Oracle)
- NAPS2 v7.1.2 (Naps2)
- NewsLeecher v7.0 (Crystalartsoftware)
- Nextcloud v3.8.2 (Nextcloud)
- nGlide v2.10 (Zeus)
- Node.js v20.9.0 (Nodejs)
- Notepanda v0.1.4 (Chungzh)
- NVM for Windows v1.1.11 (Coreybutler)
- OBS Studio v30.0 (Obs)
- OpenOffice v4.1.14 (Apache)
- OpenShot v3.1.1 (Openshot)
- Opera v105.0.4970.13 (Opera)
- Oracle Java(TM) SE Development Kit 17 v17.0.9.0 (Oracle)
- Oracle Java(TM) SE Development Kit 19 v19.0.2.0 (Oracle)
- Oracle VM VirtualBox v7.0.12 (Oracle)
- paint.net v5.0.11 (Dotpdn)
- PDF-Over v4.4.5 (A_sit)
- PDF24 Creator v11.14.0 (Pdf24tools)
- PeaZip v9.5.0 (Peazip)
- PhraseExpress v16.2.23 (Bartelsmedia)
- Pidgin v2.14.12 (Pidgin)
- Plantronics Hub Software v3.25.54065.37203 (Poly)
- Plottr v2023.7.21 (Cameronsutter)
- Podman v4.6.2 (Podman_project)
- PowerArchiver v21.00.18 (Conexware)
- PowerShell v7.3.9 (Microsoft)
- PowerToys v0.75.1 (Microsoft)
- PuTTY 32-bit v0.79.0.0 (Putty)
- PuTTY 64-bit v0.79.0.0 (Putty)
- Python v3.12.0 (Python)
- R for Windows v4.3.2 (Rforwindows)
- RecentX v5.0.26.0 (Conceptworldcorporation)
- Reflector v4.1.0 (Squirrels)
- Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise v2023.3.25.0 (Devolutions)
- Remote Desktop Manager Free v2023.3.25.0 (Devolutions)
- RenderDoc v1.29.0 (Baldurkarlsson)
- Royal TS v7.0.51019.0 (Royalapps)
- Sandboxie Classic v5.66.4 (Sandboxie)
- Sandboxie Plus v1.11.4 (Sandboxie)
- Screenpresso v2.1.15.0 (Screenpresso)
- SeaMonkey v2.53.17 (Mozilla)
- SecureZIP for Windows v14.50.0030 (Pkware)
- Semanta Modeler v6.7.3.5307 (Coas)
- Seq v8.3.10219.0 (Datalust)
- ShareX v15.0.0 (Sharex)
- Slack v4.35.126.0 (Slack)
- SoundCheck v2.1 (Passmark)
- Sourcetree v3.4.15 (Atlassian)
- spacedesk Windows DRIVER v1.0.75.0 (Datronicsoft)
- spacedesk Windows VIEWER v0.9.4200.0 (Datronicsoft)
- Speccy v1.32.0.803 (Piriform)
- Speedify v14.2.0.11636 (Speedify)
- Spyglass v23.5.1 (Athlabs)
- SQL Server Management Studio v19.2 (Microsoft)
- Stellar Photo Recovery v11.8.0.1 (Stellar)
- Sublime Merge v2091 (Sublimehq)
- Sublime Text v4152 (Sublimehq)
- SyncBackFree v11.2.15.0 (2brightsparks)
- SyncBackPro v11.2.15.0 (2brightsparks)
- SyncBackSE v11.2.15.0 (2brightsparks)
- Syncovery v10.8.3 (Syncovery)
- Tableau Desktop v2023.3.0 (Tableau)
- Tableau Reader v2023.3.0 (Tableau)
- Tad v0.12.0.1 (Antonycourtney)
- Tailscale v1.54.0 (Tailscale)
- TeamViewer v15.47.3 (Teamviewer)
- TortoiseGit v2.15.0.0 (Tortoise)
- TortoiseHg v6.5.1 (Tortoise)
- Total Commander v11.02 (Totalcommander)
- TreeSize Free v4.7.1 (Jamsoftware)
- UltraEdit v30.1.0.23 (Ultraedit)
- Uninstall Tool v3.7.3 (Crystalideasoftware)
- UniversalForwarder v9.1.1.0 (Splunk)
- UsbDk Runtime Libraries v1.0.22 (Daynix)
- usbipd-win v3.2.0 (Dorssel)
- Visual Studio Code less than v1.82.1 installed - Windows (Microsoft)
- VLC v3.0.20 (Videolan)
- VMware Player v17.5.0 (Vmware)
- VMware Remote Console v12.0.4 (Vmware)
- VMware Tools less than v11.3.0 installed - Windows (Vmware)
- VMware Tools v12.3.5.22544099 (Vmware)
- VMware Workstation v17.5.0 (Vmware)
- VNC Server v7.8.0 (Realvnc)
- VNC Viewer v7.8.0 (Realvnc)
- VSCodium (x64) v1.84.2.23319 (Vscodium)
- VSCodium (x86) v1.83.1.23285 (Vscodium)
- WickrMe v6.0.12 (Wickr)
- WickrPro v6.22.3 (Wickr)
- Windows Defender Virus Definitions v1.401.681.0 (Microsoft)
- WinMerge v2.16.34 (Winmerge)
- WinRAR v6.24.0 (Winrar)
- WinSCP v6.1.2 (Winscp)
- WinZip 32-bit v26.0.15195 (Winzip)
- WinZip v26.0.15195 (Winzip)
- Wireshark v4.0.11 (Wireshark)
- XnConvert v1.99.0.0 (Xnsoft)
- XnView v2.51.5 (Xnsoft)
- XnViewMP v1.6.1.0 (Xnsoft)
- YACReader v9.13.1 (Yacreader)
- Yarn v1.22.19 (Yarn)
- Yubico Authenticator v6.3.0 (Yubico)
- Zoom Outlook Plugin v5.15.5 (Zoom)
- Zotero v6.0.30 (Zotero)

## Reason for Update:
- New Software Releases from Vendors

## Actions to Take:
- Review new content and deploy as needed.
- WickrMe and WickrPro now require manual caching. Their fixlet
descriptions will be updated in the future to reflect this.
- NOTE: the iCloud download we are using has been pulled from Apple's
servers, we will likely remove the content in the future.
- NOTE: WinZip has removed direct downloads of their MSI installers. We
will switch to the EXE installer that contains the MSIs in the future.
- NOTE: Slack has changed their site to say that a version from 2022 is the
newest version available. Our content reflects that as well.
- NOTE: There is a preview AuditOnly task in the site that relevant if an
older version with CVEs is installed.

## Published Site Version:
- Updates for Windows Applications Extended, Version: v99

## Additional Links:
- None

Application Engineering Team
HCL BigFix
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