[BESAdmin-Announcements] BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation is now available

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Tue Apr 6 14:22:39 PDT 2021

The BigFix Team is pleased to announce the release of the BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation application (included in the BigFix Lifecycle and Compliance suites)! This application will enable IT Security and Operations teams to collaborate much more effectively by automatically correlating discovered vulnerabilities to their proper remediations, while providing prioritization data to focus remediation efforts.

This technology automates elements of the vulnerability remediation process to:

- Align Security and Operations teams with intelligent automation
- Compress security vulnerability remediation times by an order of magnitude
- Reduce enterprise security risk

The main features of this release include:

Automated synchronization & correlation of vulnerability data from Tenable.sc, and Qualys to remediation Fixlets within BigFix
Significantly reduce the effort and complexity of vulnerability remediation through integration and automation. BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation consumes vulnerability data from Tenable and Qualys then uses advanced correlation algorithms to automatically recommend the latest available Fixlet for remediation where available.

3 Dashboards/Reports for both MS PowerBI and Tableau
Automated guidance enabling powerful analytics to greatly reduce time to remediation.

- Detected Vulnerabilities with Applicable Fixlets
- Detected Vulnerabilities without Content
- Vulnerability Discrepancies

Baseline Creation Wizard
Simplify the creation of baselines based on the guidance from the correlated analytics to streamline remediation.

Additional information about this release

- Please find the 'bfivr' (BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation) Fixlet Site from the License Overview Dashboard under the Lifecycle or Compliance Sections
  - For more information on enabling sites, please see https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/10.0/platform/Platform/Console/c_license_overview_dashboard.html

Useful links

Documentation: https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/10.0/integrations/Ecosystem/Install_Config/c_welcome.html
Insights for Vulnerability Remediation Schema: https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/10.0/integrations/Ecosystem/Schema/c_IVR_schema.html
Learn more on our Product Page: https://www.hcltechsw.com/products/bigfix/ivr-home
Blog Post: https://blog.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/on-april-6th-bigfix-and-tenable-crushed-the-gap-between-security-and-it-operations/
Forum announcement: https://forum.bigfix.com/t/bigfix-insights-for-vulnerability-remediation-is-now-available/37660
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