[BESAdmin-Announcements] BigFix Inventory content pack is available

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Wed Aug 14 05:04:38 PDT 2019

BigFix Inventory Team is proud to announce availability of BigFix Inventory content pack

The content pack provides new discovery capability for a number of software components.

Published site version

BigFix Inventory v9 - version 126.

This content pack provides discovery capability, among others, for the following software components:

  *   Added discovery capability for Symantec products:
     *   Altiris Deployment Solution Agent
     *   Deployment Solution TaskServer Handler
     *   Netbackup for DB2
     *   Symantec Protection Engine
     *   Veritas NetBackup
  *   Added discovery capability for Oracle products:
     *   MySQL Server
     *   MySQL Workbench CE
     *   Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA
     *   Oracle Developer
     *   Oracle Enterprise Manager
     *   Oracle Reports Server
     *   Oracle Transparent Gateway for DRDA
     *   Siebel Sync
     *   Tuxedo Jolt
  *   Added discovery capability for SAP products:
     *   SAP Crystal Reports for .NET Framework
     *   SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio

To browse the full catalog content after you apply this content pack, use the Software Components report in BigFix Inventory.

Applying the content pack

To apply this content pack for version 9.2.11 or higher, run the Software Catalog Update fixlet from the BigFix console and then wait for the next data import. For instructions of applying the content pack on older versions, see: Updating the software catalog to ensure accuracy of software reporting<https://apc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ibm.com%2Fsupport%2Fknowledgecenter%2FSSKLLW_9.5.0%2Fcom.ibm.bigfix.inventory.doc%2FInventory%2Fsoftinv%2Ft_updating_software_catalogs_without_customization.html&data=02%7C01%7Ckrzysztof.pienkowski%40hcl.com%7C42428025072c48e7eeef08d7209ff447%7C189de737c93a4f5a8b686f4ca9941912%7C0%7C0%7C637013743673954306&sdata=x%2Be9o1v8lAwp6SFkSn0%2FhGfZXf8tT%2F6Dv6HgF8uQEsg%3D&reserved=0>. Installation of this content pack does not upgrade the BigFix Inventory server.
We hope you find this latest release of BigFix Inventory content useful and effective.
Thank you!
- The BigFix Inventory Team
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