[BESAdmin-Announcements] IBM BigFix Inventory and IBM License Metric Tool application update 9.2.14 is now available!

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Mon Dec 17 06:47:12 PST 2018

This update contains features that extend software discovery, enhance
license reporting and address security scenarios. The key features include:
   · 	Reporting license usage for Adobe Creative Cloud products on Windows
      (BigFix Inventory only)

      BigFix  Inventory  reports  utilization of the Registered User metric
      for  Adobe  Creative  Cloud  (Adobe  CC) products. The information is
      extracted during regular software scans directly from computers where
      Adobe  Creative  Cloud  products  are  installed.  Based  on the scan
      results,  the  Registered User metric is displayed on the All Metrics
      report.  Detailed  information  about  users is shown on the Software
      Users report.

      Benefits: Thanks to this feature, you can track licenses for Adobe CC
      products  to  analyze trends, define thresholds and optimize costs by
      identifying users of unused instances.

   ·	Tagging software for more flexible categorization

      You  can  now tag software components, or instances of the discovered
      software to classify them. The tags might, for example, emphasize the
      ownership  of  a software product, categorize it as a test or free of
      charge instance, or mark it as blacklisted or approved.

      Benefits: The reports allow more flexibility and can be customized to
      carry   additional  information  about  software  products  that  are
      specific to your business.

   ·	Reporting license usage for IBM Rational portfolio

      Information  about the usage of Floating User metric is now available
      on the All Metrics report for IBM Rational products. The calculations
      are available thanks to the integration with IBM Rational License Key
      Server. The usage is provided in the .slmtag files.

      Benefits:  License  consumption  for  IBM  Rational  portfolio can be
      monitored and analyzed.

   ·	Preview: New dashboard and reporting

         o	New dashboard is now available in License Metric Tool

            The  new  dashboard  presents  an  improved  overview  of  your
            inventory  and  license  metrics.  Additionally,  it contains a
            quick  search  that allows you to browse the software inventory
            by  the  component name. To view the new dashboard, click Go to
            New Dashboard & Reporting on the home page.

         o 	Extension  of  the  new  dashboard  and  reporting  in  BigFix

            The  newest  additions  to  the  new BigFix Inventory dashboard
            include  the  summary  of  the  most  important inventory data,
            recent  changes,  discovery  gaps,  and  security issues in one
            The  dashboard  is  also extended with quick search that allows
            you  to  easily  find  information related to file hashes, file
            names, vulnerabilities and software components.

      Benefits: Improved dashboard experience that makes the summary of the
      most important information available at a single view.

   · 	Preview:  Detecting  malware threats based on SHA-256 file checksums
      thanks  to  integration  with  IBM X-Force Exchange (BigFix Inventory

      By  comparing  the  classification  of the SHA-256 checksums with the
      information  from  IBM  X-Force  Exchange  portal,  BigFix  Inventory
      displays  the  reputation of the discovered files on the Scanned Data
      report.   Thus,   you  can  quickly  identify  which  files  in  your
      environment pose malware threats.

      Benefits:  Thanks  to  the information about file reputation, you can
      better identify malware threats in your environment.

   ·	Migrating software classification with REST API

      You   can   use   a   new   REST  API  request  to  migrate  software
      classification, for example, when moving agents between the instances
      of the BigFix servers.

      Benefits:  Thanks  to  the  new  REST API, you can easily migrate the
      software classification.

   · 	Discovery  of  new  components  from  Citrix, Oracle and SAP (BigFix
      Inventory only)

      The  software  catalog  is  extended  to discover new components from
      Citrix,  Oracle  and SAP. To discover the components, ensure that you
      upgrade BigFix Inventory to version 9.2.14.

      Below  is  the  list of the most important newly added components. To
      learn  about their exact versions, use the Software Catalog widget in
      BigFix Inventory to browse the catalog content.

         ·	Added discovery capability for Citrix products
               o	Citrix Diagnostics Facility
               o	Citrix PowerShell Snap-In
         ·	Added discovery capability for Oracle products
               o	Oracle Discoverer
               o	Solaris
         ·	Added discovery capability for SAP products
               o	SAP PowerBuilder
         ·	Added discovery capability for Adobe CC 2019
         ·	Improved usage reporting for Java products

      Benefits:  More  visibility into deployed products and components and
      better   license  management  without  the  need  to  develop  custom

   · 	Information  about  the  end of support dates for Microsoft products
      (BigFix Inventory only)
      The  end  of  support dates are automatically populated for Microsoft
      software  that  according to information provided on 20 November 2018
      is  announced  to  be  out  of support between 30 November 2015 and 1
      November 2021.
      Benefits:  The  information  about  the  end of support dates for the
      Microsoft  software used in your organization is up-to-date and thus,
      you can prepare for the forthcoming software updates.

   ·	Security enhancements

      The following components are updated to maintain the highest security

         ·	On the server side:
               o 	To  maintain  security,  Java  is upgraded to the newest
               o 	WebSphere  Application  Server  Liberty  is  upgraded to

         ·	On the endpoint side:
               o 	Update of the Xerces library to version 3.2.1 on Solaris
                  Sparc  and  Solaris  x86  to  keep the scanner secure and

   ·	Support for new virtualization technologies

         ·	SLES 11 for PowerVM on Power9 in Power8 compatibility mode.
         ·	SLES 12 for PowerVM on Power9 in native mode.
         ·	SLES 15 on Power9 with disconnected scanner in P9 native mode.
         ·	Oracle VM Server for x86, version 3.4.x.
         · 	Solaris Kernel Zones on x86 without nested virtualization (not
            yet announced as IBM subcapacity eligible).

Action to take

To learn how to get the application update and deploy it as well as to view
the full list of new features and APARs that were fixed in this application
update, see the following links:

BigFix Inventory: https://ibm.biz/bfi_update_9214

License Metric Tool: https://ibm.biz/lmt_update_9214


If  you  have any product-related questions, please post them on one of the
following forums:



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