[BESAdmin-Announcements] Getting greater insight to endpoint security: IBM BigFix App for QRadar v1.5.0 available now

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Fri Aug 11 06:30:43 PDT 2017

Security analytics and security operations center (SOC) managers who have
continuous access to a breadth of data throughout an operation is a key
indicator of an organization’s good security posture. The IBM BigFix App
Team prides itself in helping security analysts and SOC managers meet that
goal with the release of the IBM BigFix App for QRadar v1.0.0in May 2017,
providing them continuous visibility and insights into their endpoint
security status from a single panel on the QRadar Console.

IBM BigFix App for QRadar fully integrates QRadar and BigFix to retrieve a
variety of endpoint security data such as vulnerabilities discovered,
patches to be applied, anti-virus deployment status, and software
installation and processes running status. The deep and wide-scoped
endpoint security data enables QRadar security analysts to increase their
awareness on endpoint status and perform incident investigation more
effectively. It also delivers to SOC managers a comprehensive endpoint
security posture across the organization to help identify critical areas
that need attention.

With IBM Security’s continued dedication to combat advanced cybersecurity
threats, the IBM BigFix team is releasing IBM BigFix App for QRadar v1.5.0
to provide more security threat data, enhanced data visualization, and
usability improvement.

What’s included in version 1.5.0

      Attack alerts generated based on IOC and IOA analysis

      Anchored header showing the Endpoint, Vulnerability, and Patch
      summary throughout the Overview or Endpoint pages

      Improved data visualization involving color and contrast enhancements
      and element location refinements

      More configuration options for data source connection verification

      Improved download logs functionality

      Additional solution collaterals:

      o Solution Brief: Making Security Analytics More Effective with Deep
      Insight into Endpoints (

      o Solution Demo Video (

Where to get the app

To download the app, go to the app download page on IBM Security App
Exchange, a marketplace for the security community to share apps based on
advanced security technologies.

Want to learn more?

      Unapplied Knowledge: Usnig Endpoint Intelligence to Earn an A-Plus
      Security by I-Lung Kao, IBM Product Manager for IBM BigFix endpoint
      security solutions.

      A Perfect Match: How to Correlate Security Event to Your Endpoint
      Vulnerabilities webcast available on demand from IBM Security

      Making Security Analytics More Effective with Deep Insight into
      Endpoints article highlights what the app can do for you.

      IBM BigFix App for Qradar community allows you to provide your
      feedback directly to the developers of the BigFix app.


         o	Solution Demo Video

         o	Technical function demo videos available on youTube:

               - BigFix App: Giving SOC Analyst Tons of Actionable
                  Information (Part 1)

               - BigFix App: Giving SOC Analyst Tons of Actionable
                  Information (Part 2)

We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think of the app and post your feedback at
https://ibm.biz/BigFixQRadarApp. We want to hear your thoughts – no matter
whether it is good or bad. Your feedback will help us make this app better
than it already is!

We hope you find the app useful and effective.

Thank you!

IBM BigFix App Team

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