[BESAdmin-Announcements] Bigfix + QRadar Integration Update now available

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Mon Dec 12 10:33:02 PST 2016

The IBM BigFix and QRadar teams are pleased to announce the release of 
another phase of integration between BigFix and QRadar.  Currently, 
customers can:

1.      Incorporate BigFix managed endpoint intelligence data to QRadar 
for more enhanced security analytics and 
2.      Remediate the vulnerabilities identified and prioritized by QRadar 
Vulnerability Manager (QVM) and QRadar Risk Manager (QRM) using BigFix. 

Based on the existing BigFix and QRadar integrations, this further phase 
of integration delivers dashboard usability enhancements, additional 
platform support, documentation improvement, and support for third party 
vulnerability scanners.

Feature highlights
Specifically, the new integration phase provides the following features:

Dashboard usability enhancements: On the 'Manage Vulnerable Computers' 
dashboard, additional filtering mechanisms are provided to make 
vulnerability remediation more efficient. In the CVEs view, you can use a 
filter to show only the CVEs for which BigFix has remediation content and 
how many computers can be remediated for each CVE. In the Computers view, 
you can use a filter to show only the computers for which BigFix has 
remediation contents and how many CVEs can be remediated for each 
computer. In addition, BigFix Baseline and custom content are also 
supported on the dashboard, so bulk remediation to fix multiple 
vulnerabilities is possible. 
Additional platform support: The vulnerability remediation function is 
extended from to Mac OS X platforms, so BigFix now can provide relevant 
patches to fix vulnerabilities discovered on Windows and Mac devices.  
Documentation improvement: All the documentation that describes various 
BigFix and QRadar integration use cases are re-organized and consolidated 
into one single location.  
Support for third party vulnerability scanners: QVM can collect and 
consolidate vulnerabilities discovered by a number of third party 
vulnerability scanners. These vulnerabilities can then be prioritized by 
QVM/QRM and sent to BigFix for remediation. This feature extends the great 
BigFix/QRadar vulnerability remediation integration values to many 
environments where a third party scanner is already used for vulnerability 

More information 
New BigFix and QRadar integration page on IBM developerWorks (one 
stop-shop for deployment of each integration use case) 

QVM third party scanner support information: 
Release announcement: 


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