[BESAdmin-Announcements] IBM License Metric Tool 9.0 patch 2 Now Available!

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Fri Jun 13 09:34:26 PDT 2014

IBM License Metric Tool 9.0 patch 2

IBM is pleased to announce that patch 2 for IBM License Metric Tool 9.0 is
Site version updated:  29

This readme file provides information about patch 2 for IBM License Metric
Tool 9.0. Review this file thoroughly before you install or use the patch.

| APA|         Symptoms        |  Behavior after applying the patch | Ava|
| R  |                         |                                    | ila|
|    |                         |                                    | ble|
|    |                         |                                    | sin|
|    |                         |                                    | ce |
| IV5| When you open the       | The date of the last import of scan| Pat|
| 919| Computers report, you   | data is visible both on the        | ch |
| 6  | see the date of the     | Computers panel and on the details |  2 |
|    | latest import of the    | page for a single computer.        |    |
|    | scan data for each      |                                    |    |
|    | computer. However, when |                                    |    |
|    | you open the details for|                                    |    |
|    | a single computer, there|                                    |    |
|    | is no date in the Latest|                                    |    |
|    | Scan Import section.    |                                    |    |
| IV5| All virtual machines    | The problem occurs when you move   | Pat|
| 926| have the No VM Manager  | the VM Manager Tool from the       | ch |
| 0  | Data status.            | Endpoint Manager server to the     |  2 |
|    |                         | BESRelay server. After you install |    |
|    |                         | the patch, VM manager data is      |    |
|    |                         | gathered the virtual machines.     |    |
| IV5| Import of the data fails| The problem occurs because the     | Pat|
| 955| and the following entry | sequence number is too long. After | ch |
| 9  | is written in the import| you install the patch, sequence    |  2 |
|    | log:                    | numbers that are too long are      |    |
|    | ERROR:                  | properly handled.                  |    |
|    | Sequel::DatabaseError:  |                                    |    |
|    | NativeException:        |                                    |    |
|    | com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlDa|                                    |    |
|    | taException: Value      |                                    |    |
|    | "514832613 "            |                                    |    |
|    | is too long.            |                                    |    |
|    | SQLCODE=-433,           |                                    |    |
|    | SQLSTATE=22001,         |                                    |    |
|    | DRIVER=3.64.104         |                                    |    |
| IV5| Import of the data fails| The problem occurs when a computer | Pat|
| 990| and the following entry | is inserted, updated, or deleted a | ch |
| 4  | is written in the import| few times in the same sequence.    |  2 |
|    | log:                    | After you install the patch,       |    |
|    | ERROR:                  | computers whose membership is      |    |
|    | Sequel::DatabaseError:  | altered multiple times in one      |    |
|    | NativeException:        | sequence are properly handled.     |    |
|    | com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlEx|                                    |    |
|    | ception: An error       |                                    |    |
|    | occurred in             |                                    |    |
|    | a triggered SQL         |                                    |    |
|    | statement in trigger    |                                    |    |
|    | "DBO.DATASOURCE_G".     |                                    |    |
| IV6| Import of the data fails| The problem occurs because a       | Pat|
| 000| and the following entry | registry entry is too long to be   | ch |
| 4  | is written in the import| inserted into the database column. |  2 |
|    | logs:                   | After you install the patch, names |    |
|    | ERROR:                  | of registries that are too long are|    |
|    | Sequel::DatabaseError:  | modified to fit into the table     |    |
|    | NativeException:        | column.                            |    |
|    | com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.Batch|                                    |    |
|    | UpdateException         |                                    |    |
|    | [jcc][t4][102][10040][3.|                                    |    |
|    | 64.104]                 |                                    |    |
|    | Batch failure. The batch|                                    |    |
|    | was submitted but at    |                                    |    |
|    | least one               |                                    |    |
|    | exception occurred on an|                                    |    |
|    | individual member of the|                                    |    |
|    | batch.                  |                                    |    |
|    | Use getNextException()  |                                    |    |
|    | to retrieve the         |                                    |    |
|    | exceptions              |                                    |    |
|    | for specific batch      |                                    |    |
|    | elements.               |                                    |    |
|    | ERRORCODE=-4229,        |                                    |    |
|    | SQLSTATE=null.          |                                    |    |
| IV6| Import log contains     | The uninformative log entry is     | Pat|
| 005| entries that include the| substituted with information that a| ch |
| 6  | following message:      | UNIX package fact was skipped      |  2 |
|    | Cause was: undefined    | because it contained an empty      |    |
|    | method `[]` for         | value.                             |    |
|    | nil:NIlClass            |                                    |    |
| IV6| Import of the data hangs| The problem occurs because BIOS    | Pat|
| 018| at 98%.                 | serial numbers are not unique.     | ch |
| 8  |                         | After you install the patch,       |  2 |
|    |                         | uniqueness of serial numbers is    |    |
|    |                         | checked during each import. If a   |    |
|    |                         | value from BIOS was already        |    |
|    |                         | encountered for a different system |    |
|    |                         | that is processed during the       |    |
|    |                         | import, subsequent systems have    |    |
|    |                         | their unique agent IDs appended to |    |
|    |                         | the serial number from BIOS. This  |    |
|    |                         | solution allows for completing the |    |
|    |                         | data import. However, on the       |    |
|    |                         | subsequent imports, the serial     |    |
|    |                         | numbers might be processes in a    |    |
|    |                         | different order and the agent ID   |    |
|    |                         | might be appended to a different   |    |
|    |                         | serial number. It might lead to    |    |
|    |                         | data inconsistence. After you      |    |
|    |                         | install the patch, the import      |    |
|    |                         | finishes. However, you must ensure |    |
|    |                         | that unique IDs are assigned BIOS  |    |
|    |                         | serial numbers.                    |    |
| IV6| Scan data is not        | The problem occurs because the URL | Pat|
| 078| imported to Software Use| for downloading scan files from the| ch |
| 0  | Analysis.               | Endpoint Manager server contains   |  2 |
|    |                         | duplicated slashes. After you      |    |
|    |                         | install the patch, the duplicated  |    |
|    |                         | slashes are removed and scan data  |    |
|    |                         | is properly downloaded.            |    |

Installing the patch

To obtain the upgrade installer, log in to the Endpoint Manager console,
and click Sites > External Sites > IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9 >
Upgrade to IBM License Metric Tool 9.0-20140604-1739.

To obtain a fresh installer for License Metric Tool that already contains
the fixes that are introduced in the patch, log in to the Endpoint Manager
console, and click Sites > External Sites > IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9
> Dashboards > License Metric Tool 9.0.

IBM License Metric Tool Team

Charlie Crawford
TAD4D/LMT L3 Team Lead - U.S. & Canada
Advisory Software Engineer
IBM Software | Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure
t: (720)395-8247
e: ccraw at us.ibm.com
Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure

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