[BESAdmin-Announcements] Update for SCM Reporting - Jan 18, 2012

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Wed Jan 18 16:07:08 PST 2012

IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance 

Security Configuration Management (SCM)

The Security and Compliance team at IBM has modified the content within 
SCM Reporting

---- Affected Sites ----

SCM Reporting v32

---- Changelist ----
- The “Security and Compliance Analytics” deployment dashboard has been 
updated to point to the latest msi to support SCA 1.2
- The “Create Custom Checklist Wizard” has been updated with individual 
check selection functionality. The radio buttons now present in the wizard 
to prevent collisions of the UNIX benchmarks.

Please contact IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager Technical Support if you have 
any questions regarding this update.

We hope you find this latest release of SCM content useful and effective. 
Thank you!

  -- The Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance product team
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