[BESAdmin-Announcements] Content Notification - SCM Checklist for DISA STIG on Windows 2003

Announcements for BES Administrators besadmin-announcements at bigmail.bigfix.com
Tue Mar 31 15:22:57 PST 2009

BigFix has identified an issue with the current content in the 'SCM
Checklist for DISA STIG on Windows 2003' site.


When the following three Fixlets are run on Domain Controllers that are
not also Global Catalog Servers, excessive network traffic will occur
between the Domain Controllers and the Global Catalog Server which may
adversely effect operations.


Customers should ensure that the following three Fixlets are not
evaluated on Domain controllers. If the content has been copied to a
Custom Site, the customer may remove the content from the custom site.
If the customer is using the content from the BigFix delivered site, the
customer should use the 'Control Parameterization' link in the content
to disable evaluation of these Fixlets.


The affected Fixlets are:


a)                  Guest account status - Windows 2003

b)                  Rename Administrator Account - Windows 2003

c)                  Rename Guest Account - Windows 2003


At this time, a permanent solution is not yet available and is currently
being researched. The next maintenance release of the 'SCM Checklist for
DISA STIG on Windows 2003' site will incorporate code that will prevent
the mentioned Fixlets from executing on Domain Controllers, and
eliminate the need for customers to enforce this exclusion manually.


BigFix will continue to research this issue to find a more permanent
resolution to the problem and will make it available in a future
maintenance release.  More information will be provided at that time.



BigFix Application Engineering Team


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